CSP Team

CSP Team


LASCON Recap - Infrastructure as Code

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Recently, we had the privilege of participating in and sponsoring the Lonestar Application Security Conference (LASCON). Our CEO, Michael McCabe, and Ken Toler delivered a training session and a talk on exploiting Terraform for remote code execution; both received a fantastic turnout. In between operating our booth, we had the opportunity to attend some insightful talks.

During the event, one presentation that stood out was delivered by Bug Bounty and focused on how to manage a bug bounty program. Sean Poris's knowledge and experience running one of the world's largest bounty programs was fascinating and insightful. Another highlight of the event was a panel by our friends at Absolute AppSec with a discussion on the state of application security. Their thought-provoking questions, particularly on AI, made a lasting impression.

LASCON offered a diverse range of talks that were both engaging and informative. While at our booth, we relished the chance to converse with attendees and gain insights into their day-to-day tasks. The networking opportunities, including a lively happy hour and even bull riding, were a great way to connect with fellow participants. Perhaps next year, someone from our team will take a turn on the bull!

We also had valuable interactions with other vendors, learning about the various products available in the market. Our booth's strategic location near the food and adjacent to the lock-picking table provided both delicious distractions and a fun challenge. After visiting the lock-picking table, we found ourselves handcuffed and were only set free after successfully picking the lock. It was a fun and educational experience.

Overall, our experience at LASCON exceeded our expectations. If you haven't attended before, we highly recommend it. For those who have, we look forward to hopefully seeing you again next time. We're also eagerly anticipating the theme for next year, as the Game of Vuln shirts and artwork were truly impressive!

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