Upcoming Events at CSP!
We're starting off the year with a few big events we're speaking and training at. Get ready for a deep dive into the latest in cloud computing and cybersecurity with our very own experts, Mike McCabe and John Poulin. Mike McCabe at Cloud Connect - DeveloperWeek First up, Mike McCabe is speaking at Cloud Connect, part of DeveloperWeek, in February. He's going to cover some critical aspects of cloud computing around Terraform and IAC security. He'll cover how you can use Terraform to gain acces
JANUARY 29, 2024
Infrastructure as Code Security
I was excited to have the opportunity to speak recently at Kernelcon and BSidesNYC about one of my favorite topics, infrastructure as code (IAC). Having helped multiple companies build IAC security programs, talking about what we've learned is always enjoyable. Companies moving to centralized and well-managed infrastructure as code pipelines with built-in security controls is a massive security win. However, utilizing these tools comes with certain risks that we must manage. As I outlined in m
MAY 1, 2023