Mike McCabe


Mike has led teams in startups and large organizations and guided them through their security journeys. He leads the OWASP NoVA chapter. He has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences.


The Security Benefits of Infrastructure as Code

We have developed and delivered new ways to deliver infrastructure quickly and without these misconfigurations. Prevention is the only cure; we’ll talk about how you can implement this today.


Upcoming Events at CSP!

We're starting off the year with a few big events we're speaking and training at. Get ready for a deep dive into the latest in cloud computing and cybersecurity with our very own experts, Mike McCabe and John Poulin. Mike McCabe at Cloud Connect - DeveloperWeek First up, Mike McCabe is speaking at Cloud Connect, part of DeveloperWeek, in February. He's going to cover some critical aspects of cloud computing around Terraform and IAC security. He'll cover how you can use Terraform to gain acces


Our Support For Cloudsplaining

We’re proud to announce that Cloud Security Partners will be forking and maintaining Cloudsplaining, the popular cloud IAM tool. Open source and giving back to the community are very important to us and something we try to do often via contributions and free training! The cloud security community has built some amazing tools from Prowler to Parliment and obviously, Cloudsplaining. Cloudsplaining plays an important role in that it gives security teams insight into their IAM policies and possible


Gen AI Security: An Introduction and Resource Guide

Like many industries, Artificial Intelligence has taken the security industry by storm. Security practitioners now are faced with the challenge of understanding new classifications of threats and new techniques of attack. Threat Actors are utilizing AI to improve their attacks, while also exploiting AI services. AI and Generative AI utilize many types of new technologies to build services that are used to improve efficiency and offer new solutions to problems of the past. Of course, along with t


The Security Absolutist

All security practitioners know the Security Absolutist. It’s the practitioner who has a plan before the context, is unapologetic in their approach to security, and is unwaveringly confident in their solution. Seemingly always frustrated with the current state of security in business and consistently angry at why “people can’t just…” the Security Absolutist is a pained and frustrated individual, but we can help. Security Absolutism is a dangerous game, constantly creating conflict and boundarie


The Hidden Dangers of Using Terraform's Remote-Exec Provisioner

Terraform is a powerful infrastructure as code tool that can support multi-cloud deployments. Terraform provides consistent and reliable deployments for cloud infrastructure. But as with every tool there are hidden dangers built-in we need to check for! The remote-exec provisioner in Terraform can be a valuable tool, providing the ability to execute scripts and commands on remote resources. However, it can pose significant security risks to your infrastructure without proper control and awarene


Infrastructure as Code Security

I was excited to have the opportunity to speak recently at Kernelcon and BSidesNYC about one of my favorite topics, infrastructure as code (IAC). Having helped multiple companies build IAC security programs, talking about what we've learned is always enjoyable. Companies moving to centralized and well-managed infrastructure as code pipelines with built-in security controls is a massive security win. However, utilizing these tools comes with certain risks that we must manage. As I outlined in m


Finding Strings Everywhere with Roles Anywhere

While scrolling Twitter, I came across this tweet talking about the new AWS feature Roles Anywhere. I was messing around with the aws_signing_helper and got this panic. The trace path doesn't make me feel super confident about the security of their build process. Not that I was happy about the "download this from a random S3 bucket" distribution method either. pic.twitter.com/B58g8fOk49 — David Adams (@daveadams) July 13, 2022 Roles Anywhere is a new way to use IAM roles on systems that aren

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